Sunday, June 15, 2008

Hello everyone,

It is a great summer, and a perfect summer to home exchange with the rising costs to travel. I have been getting several questions on how to generate more interest in members property listings as well as some questions on how to check private messages.

The short answer is you can do everything from your “Member Area” on the website. Take a few minutes and click around and try it out.

So in this newsletter I wanted to cover Photos, and Private Messages in more details.

How to increase interest in your listing with Photos:

We have noticed a trend in the homes that members are exchanging and wanted to share this with you. The listings that get the most traffic and generate the most interest are the ones with several photographs. Members want to see as well as read about you and your home and the surrounding area. Photos help sell your listing to other members by allowing you to share your homes curb appeal, kitchen, bedrooms, living areas, amenities such as pools, game rooms, and even photos of the area and yourself.

It is very easy to add photos to your listing and allows you to have unlimited photos for your listing.How to add photos:

Login to using your email address and password. You will be taken to the “Member Area”

Click on “Property Photos” on the left under “My Listing” You will now see screen that allows you to upload photos.

Click “Browse” to find the photos on your PC hard drive and then click “Upload” to add them to your listing. When you are done, remember to click “Update” and then “Save” at the bottom of the page.

Your photos and photo captions are now on your listing page.

Contacting / Reading Private Messages from other members:

When you get a private message from another member wanting to exchange homes, you will get an automatic email message sent to the email address you registered with. Clicking on the link in this email will take you to so you can login and check your private messages.

When you login you will be taken directly to your “Member Area”
In the center of your “Member Area” page you will see a section titled “ My Messages”.
Your “Received Messages” from other members will appear here. To read a private message, click on the message Title.To see the other members listing, click on the members Name.